Daily report for 03 2007
Averages\Extremes for day :01

Average temperature       3.3   °C
Average humidity          88   %
Average dewpoint          1.6   °C
Average barometer         1003.8 mb
Average windspeed         14.1  kmh
Average gustspeed         24.7  kmh
Average direction         282 ° (WNW)
Rainfall for month        42.4  mm
Rainfall for year         544.8  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 01 at time 00:01 
Maximum temperature       4.4  °C on day 01 at time 15:56 
Minimum temperature       1.0  °C on day 01 at time 17:40 
Minimum pressure          999.8  mb on day 01 at time 15:00 
Maximum pressure          1007.2  mb on day 01 at time 01:03 
Maximum windspeed         38.9  kmh  from 292° on day 01 at time 04:36 
Maximum gust speed        61.1  kmh  from 296° on day 01 at time 04:18 
Maximum humidity          94 % on day 01 at time 18:58 
Minimum humidity          82 % on day 01 at time 23:19 
Maximum heat index        4.4 °C on day 01 at time 15:56 
Rain for the day :42.2 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :1  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :02

Average temperature       2.0   °C
Average humidity          86   %
Average dewpoint          -0.1   °C
Average barometer         1009.9 mb
Average windspeed         4.3  kmh
Average gustspeed         8.9  kmh
Average direction         295 ° (WNW)
Rainfall for month        49.5  mm
Rainfall for year         551.9  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 02 at time 23:59 
Maximum temperature       3.8  °C on day 02 at time 15:06 
Minimum temperature       0.6  °C on day 02 at time 05:36 
Minimum pressure          1002.1  mb on day 02 at time 03:30 
Maximum pressure          1013.8  mb on day 02 at time 16:23 
Maximum windspeed         24.1  kmh  from 342° on day 02 at time 10:09 
Maximum gust speed        38.9  kmh  from 324° on day 02 at time 09:50 
Maximum humidity          95 % on day 02 at time 00:07 
Minimum humidity          67 % on day 02 at time 15:11 
Maximum heat index        3.8 °C on day 02 at time 15:06 
Rain for the day :7.4 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :2  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :03

Average temperature       5.5   °C
Average humidity          80   %
Average dewpoint          2.3   °C
Average barometer         1010.9 mb
Average windspeed         3.1  kmh
Average gustspeed         5.1  kmh
Average direction         305 ° ( NW)
Rainfall for month        80.8  mm
Rainfall for year         583.2  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 03 at time 20:12 
Maximum temperature       7.6  °C on day 03 at time 05:44 
Minimum temperature       2.9  °C on day 03 at time 00:07 
Minimum pressure          1003.6  mb on day 03 at time 06:39 
Maximum pressure          1021.5  mb on day 03 at time 00:07 
Maximum windspeed         31.5  kmh  from 308° on day 03 at time 16:26 
Maximum gust speed        42.6  kmh  from 308° on day 03 at time 16:26 
Maximum humidity          96 % on day 03 at time 01:09 
Minimum humidity          61 % on day 03 at time 17:14 
Maximum heat index        7.6 °C on day 03 at time 05:44 
Rain for the day :31.2 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :3  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :04

Average temperature       3.7   °C
Average humidity          78   %
Average dewpoint          -0.2   °C
Average barometer         1021.0 mb
Average windspeed         1.6  kmh
Average gustspeed         2.9  kmh
Average direction         128 ° ( SE)
Rainfall for month        81.0  mm
Rainfall for year         583.4  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 04 at time 09:54 
Maximum temperature       10.1  °C on day 04 at time 15:15 
Minimum temperature       -1.2  °C on day 04 at time 06:32 
Minimum pressure          1015.4  mb on day 04 at time 00:07 
Maximum pressure          1023.8  mb on day 04 at time 08:15 
Maximum windspeed         13.0  kmh  from 145° on day 04 at time 14:03 
Maximum gust speed        18.5  kmh  from 168° on day 04 at time 16:13 
Maximum humidity          96 % on day 04 at time 09:05 
Minimum humidity          50 % on day 04 at time 15:35 
Maximum heat index        10.1 °C on day 04 at time 15:15 
Rain for the day :0.3 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :4  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :05

Average temperature       3.6   °C
Average humidity          82   %
Average dewpoint          0.8   °C
Average barometer         1021.6 mb
Average windspeed         5.9  kmh
Average gustspeed         10.6  kmh
Average direction         294 ° (WNW)
Rainfall for month        82.8  mm
Rainfall for year         585.2  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 05 at time 13:10 
Maximum temperature       9.2  °C on day 05 at time 05:59 
Minimum temperature       -1.7  °C on day 05 at time 00:07 
Minimum pressure          1014.1  mb on day 05 at time 05:44 
Maximum pressure          1025.4  mb on day 05 at time 22:21 
Maximum windspeed         29.6  kmh  from 287° on day 05 at time 06:20 
Maximum gust speed        50.0  kmh  from 287° on day 05 at time 06:20 
Maximum humidity          92 % on day 05 at time 00:07 
Minimum humidity          65 % on day 05 at time 05:29 
Maximum heat index        9.2 °C on day 05 at time 05:59 
Rain for the day :1.8 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :5  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :06

Average temperature       4.1   °C
Average humidity          77   %
Average dewpoint          -0.1   °C
Average barometer         1017.7 mb
Average windspeed         1.5  kmh
Average gustspeed         3.4  kmh
Average direction         225 ° ( SW)
Rainfall for month        83.1  mm
Rainfall for year         585.4  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 06 at time 08:47 
Maximum temperature       11.6  °C on day 06 at time 13:54 
Minimum temperature       -3.3  °C on day 06 at time 03:58 
Minimum pressure          1008.6  mb on day 06 at time 00:04 
Maximum pressure          1024.8  mb on day 05 at time 00:26 
Maximum windspeed         14.8  kmh  from 280° on day 06 at time 14:02 
Maximum gust speed        22.2  kmh  from 193° on day 06 at time 14:18 
Maximum humidity          95 % on day 06 at time 09:06 
Minimum humidity          38 % on day 06 at time 14:03 
Maximum heat index        11.6 °C on day 06 at time 13:54 
Rain for the day :0.3 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :6  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :07

Average temperature       4.1   °C
Average humidity          86   %
Average dewpoint          1.9   °C
Average barometer         1007.0 mb
Average windspeed         3.6  kmh
Average gustspeed         7.4  kmh
Average direction         291 ° (WNW)
Rainfall for month        96.0  mm
Rainfall for year         598.4  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 07 at time 10:09 
Maximum temperature       7.3  °C on day 07 at time 15:05 
Minimum temperature       1.5  °C on day 07 at time 22:28 
Minimum pressure          1003.6  mb on day 07 at time 14:00 
Maximum pressure          1008.9  mb on day 07 at time 00:07 
Maximum windspeed         20.4  kmh  from 289° on day 07 at time 03:12 
Maximum gust speed        38.9  kmh  from 268° on day 07 at time 02:28 
Maximum humidity          94 % on day 07 at time 00:07 
Minimum humidity          67 % on day 07 at time 15:03 
Maximum heat index        7.3 °C on day 07 at time 15:05 
Rain for the day :13.0 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :7  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :08

Average temperature       3.5   °C
Average humidity          77   %
Average dewpoint          -0.4   °C
Average barometer         1020.1 mb
Average windspeed         2.6  kmh
Average gustspeed         4.9  kmh
Average direction         348 ° (NNW)
Rainfall for month        96.0  mm
Rainfall for year         598.4  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.0   mm on day 01 at time 23:57 
Maximum temperature       7.7  °C on day 08 at time 14:51 
Minimum temperature       -1.2  °C on day 08 at time 00:04 
Minimum pressure          1008.9  mb on day 07 at time 00:14 
Maximum pressure          1029.6  mb on day 08 at time 23:41 
Maximum windspeed         20.4  kmh  from 339° on day 08 at time 16:35 
Maximum gust speed        31.5  kmh  from 339° on day 08 at time 15:23 
Maximum humidity          95 % on day 08 at time 03:40 
Minimum humidity          49 % on day 08 at time 13:37 
Maximum heat index        7.7 °C on day 08 at time 14:51 

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :8  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :09

Average temperature       2.1   °C
Average humidity          74   %
Average dewpoint          -2.5   °C
Average barometer         1029.2 mb
Average windspeed         2.1  kmh
Average gustspeed         4.4  kmh
Average direction         318 ° ( NW)
Rainfall for month        97.3  mm
Rainfall for year         599.7  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 09 at time 23:04 
Maximum temperature       7.9  °C on day 09 at time 13:28 
Minimum temperature       -3.3  °C on day 09 at time 07:12 
Minimum pressure          1026.0  mb on day 09 at time 21:20 
Maximum pressure          1032.0  mb on day 09 at time 08:13 
Maximum windspeed         16.6  kmh  from 301° on day 09 at time 17:19 
Maximum gust speed        25.9  kmh  from 312° on day 09 at time 17:27 
Maximum humidity          92 % on day 09 at time 00:01 
Minimum humidity          45 % on day 09 at time 14:14 
Maximum heat index        7.9 °C on day 09 at time 13:28 
Rain for the day :1.3 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :9  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :10

Average temperature       0.8   °C
Average humidity          80   %
Average dewpoint          -2.5   °C
Average barometer         1036.6 mb
Average windspeed         4.2  kmh
Average gustspeed         7.9  kmh
Average direction         341 ° (NNW)
Rainfall for month        98.8  mm
Rainfall for year         601.2  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 10 at time 11:23 
Maximum temperature       5.3  °C on day 10 at time 15:17 
Minimum temperature       -2.7  °C on day 10 at time 00:07 
Minimum pressure          1026.7  mb on day 09 at time 00:15 
Maximum pressure          1039.6  mb on day 10 at time 19:36 
Maximum windspeed         24.1  kmh  from 338° on day 10 at time 01:04 
Maximum gust speed        33.3  kmh  from 314° on day 10 at time 01:54 
Maximum humidity          92 % on day 10 at time 04:46 
Minimum humidity          55 % on day 10 at time 17:02 
Maximum heat index        5.3 °C on day 10 at time 15:17 
Rain for the day :1.5 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :10  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :11

Average temperature       1.3   °C
Average humidity          66   %
Average dewpoint          -5.3   °C
Average barometer         1035.0 mb
Average windspeed         1.9  kmh
Average gustspeed         4.3  kmh
Average direction         77 ° (ENE)
Rainfall for month        99.1  mm
Rainfall for year         601.5  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 11 at time 09:36 
Maximum temperature       8.5  °C on day 11 at time 15:30 
Minimum temperature       -4.2  °C on day 11 at time 07:02 
Minimum pressure          1029.7  mb on day 11 at time 00:07 
Maximum pressure          1038.6  mb on day 10 at time 00:50 
Maximum windspeed         16.6  kmh  from 122° on day 11 at time 14:57 
Maximum gust speed        29.6  kmh  from 115° on day 11 at time 13:58 
Maximum humidity          92 % on day 11 at time 03:43 
Minimum humidity          27 % on day 11 at time 15:46 
Maximum heat index        8.5 °C on day 11 at time 15:30 
Rain for the day :0.3 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :11  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :12

Average temperature       3.5   °C
Average humidity          67   %
Average dewpoint          -2.6   °C
Average barometer         1027.8 mb
Average windspeed         0.9  kmh
Average gustspeed         1.9  kmh
Average direction         153 ° (SSE)
Rainfall for month        99.1  mm
Rainfall for year         601.5  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.0   mm on day 01 at time 23:57 
Maximum temperature       13.5  °C on day 12 at time 14:06 
Minimum temperature       -3.8  °C on day 12 at time 07:16 
Minimum pressure          1024.5  mb on day 12 at time 15:49 
Maximum pressure          1029.7  mb on day 11 at time 00:11 
Maximum windspeed         11.1  kmh  from 160° on day 12 at time 16:03 
Maximum gust speed        16.6  kmh  from 154° on day 12 at time 15:10 
Maximum humidity          87 % on day 12 at time 07:28 
Minimum humidity          39 % on day 12 at time 12:44 
Maximum heat index        13.5 °C on day 12 at time 14:06 

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :12  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :13

Average temperature       5.4   °C
Average humidity          62   %
Average dewpoint          -1.9   °C
Average barometer         1029.1 mb
Average windspeed         0.8  kmh
Average gustspeed         1.8  kmh
Average direction         187 ° ( S )
Rainfall for month        99.1  mm
Rainfall for year         601.5  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.0   mm on day 01 at time 23:57 
Maximum temperature       14.4  °C on day 13 at time 14:12 
Minimum temperature       -1.5  °C on day 13 at time 05:21 
Minimum pressure          1025.7  mb on day 13 at time 01:07 
Maximum pressure          1031.1  mb on day 13 at time 19:58 
Maximum windspeed         11.1  kmh  from 217° on day 13 at time 15:38 
Maximum gust speed        18.5  kmh  from 216° on day 13 at time 15:50 
Maximum humidity          84 % on day 12 at time 00:29 
Minimum humidity          34 % on day 13 at time 16:45 
Maximum heat index        14.4 °C on day 13 at time 14:12 

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :13  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :14

Average temperature       5.9   °C
Average humidity          71   %
Average dewpoint          0.5   °C
Average barometer         1031.8 mb
Average windspeed         0.9  kmh
Average gustspeed         2.4  kmh
Average direction         72 ° (ENE)
Rainfall for month        99.3  mm
Rainfall for year         601.7  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 14 at time 09:07 
Maximum temperature       13.4  °C on day 14 at time 14:59 
Minimum temperature       -0.3  °C on day 14 at time 06:46 
Minimum pressure          1030.0  mb on day 13 at time 00:47 
Maximum pressure          1032.9  mb on day 14 at time 08:16 
Maximum windspeed         9.3  kmh  from 110° on day 14 at time 17:08 
Maximum gust speed        18.5  kmh  from 110° on day 14 at time 17:08 
Maximum humidity          92 % on day 14 at time 00:07 
Minimum humidity          40 % on day 14 at time 14:39 
Maximum heat index        13.4 °C on day 14 at time 14:59 
Rain for the day :0.3 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :14  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :15

Average temperature       5.8   °C
Average humidity          79   %
Average dewpoint          1.9   °C
Average barometer         1028.2 mb
Average windspeed         0.9  kmh
Average gustspeed         1.9  kmh
Average direction         162 ° (SSE)
Rainfall for month        99.6  mm
Rainfall for year         602.0  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 15 at time 08:57 
Maximum temperature       13.8  °C on day 15 at time 14:58 
Minimum temperature       0.1  °C on day 15 at time 07:05 
Minimum pressure          1024.9  mb on day 15 at time 00:07 
Maximum pressure          1030.3  mb on day 14 at time 00:38 
Maximum windspeed         11.1  kmh  from 118° on day 15 at time 11:26 
Maximum gust speed        16.6  kmh  from 092° on day 15 at time 12:02 
Maximum humidity          96 % on day 15 at time 08:56 
Minimum humidity          46 % on day 15 at time 13:34 
Maximum heat index        13.8 °C on day 15 at time 14:58 
Rain for the day :0.3 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :15  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :16

Average temperature       5.3   °C
Average humidity          79   %
Average dewpoint          1.6   °C
Average barometer         1025.8 mb
Average windspeed         1.0  kmh
Average gustspeed         2.1  kmh
Average direction         255 ° (WSW)
Rainfall for month        99.6  mm
Rainfall for year         602.0  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.0   mm on day 01 at time 23:57 
Maximum temperature       13.0  °C on day 16 at time 13:57 
Minimum temperature       -0.1  °C on day 16 at time 05:47 
Minimum pressure          1023.6  mb on day 16 at time 14:01 
Maximum pressure          1026.8  mb on day 16 at time 07:17 
Maximum windspeed         13.0  kmh  from 328° on day 16 at time 14:33 
Maximum gust speed        18.5  kmh  from 330° on day 16 at time 18:13 
Maximum humidity          96 % on day 16 at time 07:41 
Minimum humidity          52 % on day 16 at time 12:05 
Maximum heat index        13.0 °C on day 16 at time 13:57 

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :16  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :17

Average temperature       3.3   °C
Average humidity          79   %
Average dewpoint          -0.0   °C
Average barometer         1025.3 mb
Average windspeed         7.7  kmh
Average gustspeed         13.5  kmh
Average direction         302 ° (WNW)
Rainfall for month        99.8  mm
Rainfall for year         602.2  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 17 at time 06:34 
Maximum temperature       4.7  °C on day 17 at time 13:42 
Minimum temperature       0.2  °C on day 17 at time 02:30 
Minimum pressure          1022.0  mb on day 17 at time 23:57 
Maximum pressure          1026.8  mb on day 17 at time 11:02 
Maximum windspeed         25.9  kmh  from 336° on day 17 at time 08:35 
Maximum gust speed        40.7  kmh  from 320° on day 17 at time 00:06 
Maximum humidity          93 % on day 17 at time 03:29 
Minimum humidity          65 % on day 17 at time 09:22 
Maximum heat index        4.7 °C on day 17 at time 13:42 
Rain for the day :0.3 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :17  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :18

Average temperature       2.9   °C
Average humidity          86   %
Average dewpoint          0.8   °C
Average barometer         1011.3 mb
Average windspeed         16.8  kmh
Average gustspeed         27.6  kmh
Average direction         295 ° (WNW)
Rainfall for month        116.8  mm
Rainfall for year         619.2  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 18 at time 23:51 
Maximum temperature       4.6  °C on day 18 at time 14:41 
Minimum temperature       -1.1  °C on day 18 at time 23:49 
Minimum pressure          1000.3  mb on day 18 at time 00:05 
Maximum pressure          1022.0  mb on day 17 at time 00:10 
Maximum windspeed         40.7  kmh  from 299° on day 18 at time 07:16 
Maximum gust speed        62.9  kmh  from 288° on day 18 at time 18:30 
Maximum humidity          93 % on day 18 at time 20:56 
Minimum humidity          75 % on day 18 at time 14:28 
Maximum heat index        4.6 °C on day 18 at time 14:41 
Rain for the day :17.0 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :18  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :19

Average temperature       -1.4   °C
Average humidity          84   %
Average dewpoint          -3.8   °C
Average barometer         995.2 mb
Average windspeed         1.7  kmh
Average gustspeed         3.1  kmh
Average direction         318 ° ( NW)
Rainfall for month        120.1  mm
Rainfall for year         622.5  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 19 at time 21:59 
Maximum temperature       0.8  °C on day 19 at time 11:41 
Minimum temperature       -3.4  °C on day 19 at time 00:07 
Minimum pressure          990.4  mb on day 19 at time 14:22 
Maximum pressure          1000.5  mb on day 18 at time 00:11 
Maximum windspeed         16.6  kmh  from 345° on day 19 at time 16:42 
Maximum gust speed        29.6  kmh  from 328° on day 19 at time 16:45 
Maximum humidity          91 % on day 19 at time 13:08 
Minimum humidity          75 % on day 19 at time 11:43 
Maximum heat index        0.8 °C on day 19 at time 11:41 
Rain for the day :3.3 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :19  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :20

Average temperature       -2.6   °C
Average humidity          83   %
Average dewpoint          -5.2   °C
Average barometer         999.5 mb
Average windspeed         0.6  kmh
Average gustspeed         1.0  kmh
Average direction         353 ° ( NW)
Rainfall for month        122.4  mm
Rainfall for year         624.8  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 20 at time 07:41 
Maximum temperature       -0.5  °C on day 20 at time 14:49 
Minimum temperature       -3.7  °C on day 20 at time 04:08 
Minimum pressure          995.2  mb on day 20 at time 03:37 
Maximum pressure          1003.2  mb on day 20 at time 23:29 
Maximum windspeed         18.5  kmh  from 326° on day 19 at time 00:34 
Maximum gust speed        27.8  kmh  from 326° on day 19 at time 00:34 
Maximum humidity          91 % on day 20 at time 04:14 
Minimum humidity          70 % on day 20 at time 14:53 
Maximum heat index        -0.5 °C on day 20 at time 14:49 
Rain for the day :2.3 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :20  :3  :2007
Averages\Extremes for day :21

Average temperature       -2.5   °C
Average humidity          80   %
Average dewpoint          -5.6   °C
Average barometer         1007.5 mb
Average windspeed         0.9  kmh
Average gustspeed         1.7  kmh
Average direction         343 ° (NNW)
Rainfall for month        125.0  mm
Rainfall for year         627.4  mm
Maximum rain per minute   0.3   mm on day 21 at time 18:37 
Maximum temperature       1.3  °C on day 21 at time 14:34 
Minimum temperature       -7.1  °C on day 21 at time 00:02 
Minimum pressure          1002.5  mb on day 20 at time 00:44 
Maximum pressure          1012.0  mb on day 21 at time 00:03 
Maximum windspeed         14.8  kmh  from 306° on day 21 at time 15:48 
Maximum gust speed        20.4  kmh  from 310° on day 21 at time 15:09 
Maximum humidity          88 % on day 21 at time 00:07 
Minimum humidity          50 % on day 21 at time 14:25 
Maximum heat index        1.3 °C on day 21 at time 14:34 
Rain for the day :2.5 mm

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :21  :3  :2007
Durchschnitts- und Extremwerte  Tag: 22

Durchschnittstemperatur      -2.9   °C
Durchschnittl. Feuchtigkeit  87   %
Durchschnittl. Taupunkt      -4.8   °C
Durchschnittl. Luftdruck     1011.9 mb
Durchschnittl. Windgeschwindigkeit 0.5  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windspitzen   1.2  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windrichtung  312 ° ( NW)
Regenmenge diesen Monat      128.8  mm
Regenmenge dieses Jahr       631.2  mm
Max.Regenmenge pro Minute    0.3   mm am: 22 um 23:58 Uhr 
Höchsttemperatur             -0.9  °C am: 22 um 14:35 Uhr 
Tiefsttemperatur             -6.6  °C am: 21 um 00:09 Uhr 
TiefstLuftdruck              1008.1  mb am: 22 um 00:07 Uhr 
HöchstLuftdruck              1012.6  mb am: 22 um 11:16 Uhr 
Höchstes Windmittel          11.1  kmh  aus 323° am: 22 um 11:19 Uhr 
Höchste Windspitze           18.5  kmh  aus 310° am: 22 um 11:13 Uhr 
Höchst Feuchtigkeit          91 % am: 22 um 09:10 Uhr 
Tiefst Feuchtigkeit          78 % am: 22 um 14:38 Uhr 
Höchster Hitzeindex          -0.9 °C am: 22 um 14:35 Uhr 
Regenmenge heute 3.8 mm

Klicken Sie bitte hier, um das 24-Stunden-Diagramm zu erhalten  :22  :3  :2007
Durchschnitts- und Extremwerte  Tag: 23

Durchschnittstemperatur      -2.5   °C
Durchschnittl. Feuchtigkeit  89   %
Durchschnittl. Taupunkt      -4.1   °C
Durchschnittl. Luftdruck     1008.5 mb
Durchschnittl. Windgeschwindigkeit 0.0  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windspitzen   0.0  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windrichtung  278 ° ( W )
Regenmenge diesen Monat      135.4  mm
Regenmenge dieses Jahr       637.8  mm
Max.Regenmenge pro Minute    0.3   mm am: 23 um 18:33 Uhr 
Höchsttemperatur             -1.8  °C am: 23 um 11:09 Uhr 
Tiefsttemperatur             -3.1  °C am: 23 um 00:00 Uhr 
TiefstLuftdruck              1005.6  mb am: 23 um 08:18 Uhr 
HöchstLuftdruck              1010.9  mb am: 23 um 21:14 Uhr 
Höchstes Windmittel          0.0  kmh  aus 253° am: 23 um 00:07 Uhr 
Höchste Windspitze           0.0  kmh  aus 253° am: 23 um 00:07 Uhr 
Höchst Feuchtigkeit          92 % am: 23 um 06:25 Uhr 
Tiefst Feuchtigkeit          83 % am: 23 um 10:54 Uhr 
Höchster Hitzeindex          -1.8 °C am: 23 um 11:09 Uhr 
Regenmenge heute 6.6 mm

Klicken Sie bitte hier, um das 24-Stunden-Diagramm zu erhalten  :23  :3  :2007
Durchschnitts- und Extremwerte  Tag: 24

Durchschnittstemperatur      -1.5   °C
Durchschnittl. Feuchtigkeit  89   %
Durchschnittl. Taupunkt      -3.0   °C
Durchschnittl. Luftdruck     1009.8 mb
Durchschnittl. Windgeschwindigkeit 0.0  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windspitzen   0.0  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windrichtung  355 ° ( NW)
Regenmenge diesen Monat      137.4  mm
Regenmenge dieses Jahr       639.8  mm
Max.Regenmenge pro Minute    0.3   mm am: 24 um 10:12 Uhr 
Höchsttemperatur             0.5  °C am: 24 um 14:43 Uhr 
Tiefsttemperatur             -3.2  °C am: 23 um 00:39 Uhr 
TiefstLuftdruck              1007.0  mb am: 24 um 14:06 Uhr 
HöchstLuftdruck              1011.2  mb am: 24 um 21:28 Uhr 
Höchstes Windmittel          0.0  kmh  aus 103° am: 24 um 00:07 Uhr 
Höchste Windspitze           0.0  kmh  aus 103° am: 24 um 00:07 Uhr 
Höchst Feuchtigkeit          92 % am: 24 um 00:07 Uhr 
Tiefst Feuchtigkeit          79 % am: 24 um 12:45 Uhr 
Höchster Hitzeindex          0.5 °C am: 24 um 14:43 Uhr 
Regenmenge heute 2.0 mm

Klicken Sie bitte hier, um das 24-Stunden-Diagramm zu erhalten  :24  :3  :2007
Durchschnitts- und Extremwerte  Tag: 25

Durchschnittstemperatur      -0.1   °C
Durchschnittl. Feuchtigkeit  92   %
Durchschnittl. Taupunkt      -1.3   °C
Durchschnittl. Luftdruck     1015.4 mb
Durchschnittl. Windgeschwindigkeit 0.0  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windspitzen   0.0  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windrichtung  80 ° ( E )
Regenmenge diesen Monat      137.4  mm
Regenmenge dieses Jahr       639.8  mm
Max.Regenmenge pro Minute    0.0   mm am: 01 um 23:57 Uhr 
Höchsttemperatur             2.0  °C am: 25 um 18:10 Uhr 
Tiefsttemperatur             -1.7  °C am: 25 um 07:24 Uhr 
TiefstLuftdruck              1010.5  mb am: 24 um 00:09 Uhr 
HöchstLuftdruck              1017.5  mb am: 25 um 20:04 Uhr 
Höchstes Windmittel          0.0  kmh  aus 096° am: 25 um 00:07 Uhr 
Höchste Windspitze           0.0  kmh  aus 096° am: 25 um 00:07 Uhr 
Höchst Feuchtigkeit          95 % am: 25 um 22:07 Uhr 
Tiefst Feuchtigkeit          83 % am: 25 um 15:55 Uhr 
Höchster Hitzeindex          2.0 °C am: 25 um 18:10 Uhr 

Klicken Sie bitte hier, um das 24-Stunden-Diagramm zu erhalten  :25  :3  :2007
Durchschnitts- und Extremwerte  Tag: 26

Durchschnittstemperatur      3.2   °C
Durchschnittl. Feuchtigkeit  83   %
Durchschnittl. Taupunkt      0.4   °C
Durchschnittl. Luftdruck     1017.9 mb
Durchschnittl. Windgeschwindigkeit 0.6  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windspitzen   1.6  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windrichtung  96 ° ( E )
Regenmenge diesen Monat      137.7  mm
Regenmenge dieses Jahr       640.1  mm
Max.Regenmenge pro Minute    0.3   mm am: 26 um 09:52 Uhr 
Höchsttemperatur             9.8  °C am: 26 um 16:14 Uhr 
Tiefsttemperatur             -2.2  °C am: 26 um 08:02 Uhr 
TiefstLuftdruck              1016.0  mb am: 26 um 17:38 Uhr 
HöchstLuftdruck              1018.4  mb am: 26 um 08:00 Uhr 
Höchstes Windmittel          11.1  kmh  aus 109° am: 26 um 16:52 Uhr 
Höchste Windspitze           18.5  kmh  aus 109° am: 26 um 16:52 Uhr 
Höchst Feuchtigkeit          96 % am: 26 um 09:30 Uhr 
Tiefst Feuchtigkeit          58 % am: 26 um 17:21 Uhr 
Höchster Hitzeindex          9.8 °C am: 26 um 16:14 Uhr 
Regenmenge heute 0.3 mm

Klicken Sie bitte hier, um das 24-Stunden-Diagramm zu erhalten  :26  :3  :2007
Durchschnitts- und Extremwerte  Tag: 27

Durchschnittstemperatur      3.1   °C
Durchschnittl. Feuchtigkeit  80   %
Durchschnittl. Taupunkt      -0.4   °C
Durchschnittl. Luftdruck     1017.1 mb
Durchschnittl. Windgeschwindigkeit 1.4  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windspitzen   2.9  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windrichtung  88 ° ( E )
Regenmenge diesen Monat      137.9  mm
Regenmenge dieses Jahr       640.3  mm
Max.Regenmenge pro Minute    0.3   mm am: 27 um 09:45 Uhr 
Höchsttemperatur             10.9  °C am: 27 um 15:53 Uhr 
Tiefsttemperatur             -2.4  °C am: 27 um 07:17 Uhr 
TiefstLuftdruck              1014.8  mb am: 27 um 15:57 Uhr 
HöchstLuftdruck              1017.9  mb am: 27 um 21:00 Uhr 
Höchstes Windmittel          13.0  kmh  aus 144° am: 27 um 16:04 Uhr 
Höchste Windspitze           20.4  kmh  aus 144° am: 27 um 16:04 Uhr 
Höchst Feuchtigkeit          94 % am: 27 um 07:54 Uhr 
Tiefst Feuchtigkeit          48 % am: 27 um 15:38 Uhr 
Höchster Hitzeindex          10.9 °C am: 27 um 15:53 Uhr 
Regenmenge heute 0.3 mm

Klicken Sie bitte hier, um das 24-Stunden-Diagramm zu erhalten  :27  :3  :2007
Durchschnitts- und Extremwerte  Tag: 28

Durchschnittstemperatur      3.0   °C
Durchschnittl. Feuchtigkeit  81   %
Durchschnittl. Taupunkt      -0.3   °C
Durchschnittl. Luftdruck     1016.7 mb
Durchschnittl. Windgeschwindigkeit 1.4  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windspitzen   2.8  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windrichtung  15 ° (NNE)
Regenmenge diesen Monat      139.2  mm
Regenmenge dieses Jahr       641.6  mm
Max.Regenmenge pro Minute    0.3   mm am: 28 um 20:29 Uhr 
Höchsttemperatur             9.5  °C am: 28 um 12:20 Uhr 
Tiefsttemperatur             -2.0  °C am: 28 um 05:55 Uhr 
TiefstLuftdruck              1014.4  mb am: 28 um 23:47 Uhr 
HöchstLuftdruck              1017.7  mb am: 28 um 08:45 Uhr 
Höchstes Windmittel          13.0  kmh  aus 123° am: 28 um 14:50 Uhr 
Höchste Windspitze           20.4  kmh  aus 352° am: 28 um 12:15 Uhr 
Höchst Feuchtigkeit          95 % am: 28 um 23:44 Uhr 
Tiefst Feuchtigkeit          48 % am: 28 um 12:10 Uhr 
Höchster Hitzeindex          9.5 °C am: 28 um 12:20 Uhr 
Regenmenge heute 1.3 mm

Klicken Sie bitte hier, um das 24-Stunden-Diagramm zu erhalten  :28  :3  :2007
Durchschnitts- und Extremwerte  Tag: 29

Durchschnittstemperatur      3.3   °C
Durchschnittl. Feuchtigkeit  81   %
Durchschnittl. Taupunkt      0.1   °C
Durchschnittl. Luftdruck     1015.6 mb
Durchschnittl. Windgeschwindigkeit 2.3  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windspitzen   4.1  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windrichtung  324 ° ( NW)
Regenmenge diesen Monat      139.9  mm
Regenmenge dieses Jahr       642.3  mm
Max.Regenmenge pro Minute    0.3   mm am: 29 um 15:48 Uhr 
Höchsttemperatur             9.2  °C am: 29 um 14:48 Uhr 
Tiefsttemperatur             -1.1  °C am: 29 um 04:50 Uhr 
TiefstLuftdruck              1013.3  mb am: 29 um 00:07 Uhr 
HöchstLuftdruck              1016.5  mb am: 29 um 08:03 Uhr 
Höchstes Windmittel          20.4  kmh  aus 316° am: 29 um 15:46 Uhr 
Höchste Windspitze           29.6  kmh  aus 310° am: 29 um 15:40 Uhr 
Höchst Feuchtigkeit          96 % am: 29 um 09:18 Uhr 
Tiefst Feuchtigkeit          52 % am: 29 um 15:21 Uhr 
Höchster Hitzeindex          9.2 °C am: 29 um 14:48 Uhr 
Regenmenge heute 0.8 mm

Klicken Sie bitte hier, um das 24-Stunden-Diagramm zu erhalten  :29  :3  :2007
Durchschnitts- und Extremwerte  Tag: 30

Durchschnittstemperatur      4.0   °C
Durchschnittl. Feuchtigkeit  77   %
Durchschnittl. Taupunkt      -0.2   °C
Durchschnittl. Luftdruck     1010.9 mb
Durchschnittl. Windgeschwindigkeit 2.6  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windspitzen   4.7  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windrichtung  51 ° ( NE)
Regenmenge diesen Monat      139.9  mm
Regenmenge dieses Jahr       642.3  mm
Max.Regenmenge pro Minute    0.0   mm am: 01 um 23:57 Uhr 
Höchsttemperatur             11.1  °C am: 30 um 15:19 Uhr 
Tiefsttemperatur             -1.8  °C am: 30 um 06:46 Uhr 
TiefstLuftdruck              1007.5  mb am: 30 um 17:23 Uhr 
HöchstLuftdruck              1013.4  mb am: 29 um 00:36 Uhr 
Höchstes Windmittel          14.8  kmh  aus 337° am: 30 um 18:01 Uhr 
Höchste Windspitze           22.2  kmh  aus 349° am: 30 um 17:50 Uhr 
Höchst Feuchtigkeit          94 % am: 30 um 08:28 Uhr 
Tiefst Feuchtigkeit          36 % am: 30 um 16:16 Uhr 
Höchster Hitzeindex          11.1 °C am: 30 um 15:19 Uhr 

Klicken Sie bitte hier, um das 24-Stunden-Diagramm zu erhalten  :30  :3  :2007
Durchschnitts- und Extremwerte  Tag: 31

Durchschnittstemperatur      1.2   °C
Durchschnittl. Feuchtigkeit  93   %
Durchschnittl. Taupunkt      0.2   °C
Durchschnittl. Luftdruck     1015.4 mb
Durchschnittl. Windgeschwindigkeit 0.6  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windspitzen   1.4  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windrichtung   9 ° ( N )
Regenmenge diesen Monat      143.5  mm
Regenmenge dieses Jahr       645.9  mm
Max.Regenmenge pro Minute    0.3   mm am: 31 um 10:33 Uhr 
Höchsttemperatur             3.3  °C am: 31 um 16:58 Uhr 
Tiefsttemperatur             -0.9  °C am: 31 um 03:06 Uhr 
TiefstLuftdruck              1010.5  mb am: 30 um 00:10 Uhr 
HöchstLuftdruck              1018.7  mb am: 31 um 00:00 Uhr 
Höchstes Windmittel          11.1  kmh  aus 305° am: 31 um 01:50 Uhr 
Höchste Windspitze           18.5  kmh  aus 305° am: 31 um 01:50 Uhr 
Höchst Feuchtigkeit          95 % am: 31 um 22:14 Uhr 
Tiefst Feuchtigkeit          88 % am: 31 um 04:23 Uhr 
Höchster Hitzeindex          3.3 °C am: 31 um 16:58 Uhr 
Regenmenge heute 3.6 mm

Klicken Sie bitte hier, um das 24-Stunden-Diagramm zu erhalten  :31  :3  :2007

Durchschnitts- und Extremwerte  März bis 31 2007

Durchschnittstemperatur      2.3   °C; diff from climate av: 1.6 °C
Durchschnittl. Feuchtigkeit  80   %
Durchschnittl. Taupunkt      -1.0   °C
Durchschnittl. Luftdruck     1016.5 mb
Durchschnittl. Windgeschwindigkeit 2.8 kmh; diff from climate av. :2.8 km/h
Durchschnittl. Windspitzen    5  kmh
Durchschnittl. Windrichtung  310 ° ( NW)
Regenmenge diesen Monat      143.5 mm; diff from climate av. :14.5 mm
Regenmenge dieses Jahr       645.9 mm; diff from climate av. 236.9 mm
Max.Regenmenge pro Minute    0.3   mm am: 01 um 23:57 Uhr 
Höchsttemperatur             14.4  °C am: 13 um 14:11 Uhr 
Tiefsttemperatur             -7.1  °C am: 21 um 00:00 Uhr 
Höchst Feuchtigkeit          96 % am: 29 um 09:18 Uhr 
Tiefst Feuchtigkeit          27 % am: 11 um 15:46 Uhr 
HöchstLuftdruck              1039.6  mb am: 10 um 19:33 Uhr 
TiefstLuftdruck              990.4  mb am: 19 um 14:22 Uhr 
Höchstes Windmittel          40.7  kmh  aus 271° am: 18 um 07:16 Uhr 
Höchste Windspitze           62.9  kmh  aus 236° am: 18 um 18:30 Uhr 
Höchster Hitzeindex          14.4 °C am: 13 um 14:11 Uhr 
Pflanzenwachstum bei : 0.0 °C
Sunshine hours , ET, Max solar for each day
01 00.0hrs ,ET :0.4 mm ,136.8 W/M² ,0.0 uv
02 01.3hrs ,ET :0.6 mm ,748.8 W/M² ,1.5 uv
03 01.0hrs ,ET :0.7 mm ,710.0 W/M² ,3.4 uv
04 08.9hrs ,ET :1.5 mm ,647.0 W/M² ,1.5 uv
05 02.3hrs ,ET :0.9 mm ,730.4 W/M² ,0.6 uv
06 03.9hrs ,ET :1.4 mm ,706.2 W/M² ,0.7 uv
07 01.7hrs ,ET :1.0 mm ,809.0 W/M² ,1.2 uv
08 04.5hrs ,ET :1.1 mm ,759.5 W/M² ,0.9 uv
09 04.1hrs ,ET :1.2 mm ,628.6 W/M² ,0.7 uv
10 04.5hrs ,ET :1.2 mm ,797.3 W/M² ,1.3 uv
11 08.7hrs ,ET :1.8 mm ,648.9 W/M² ,0.9 uv
12 08.9hrs ,ET :1.7 mm ,679.0 W/M² ,0.5 uv
13 08.1hrs ,ET :1.6 mm ,662.5 W/M² ,0.0 uv
14 08.9hrs ,ET :1.5 mm ,643.1 W/M² ,0.0 uv
15 08.4hrs ,ET :1.6 mm ,667.4 W/M² ,0.0 uv
16 04.8hrs ,ET :1.5 mm ,790.6 W/M² ,0.0 uv
17 01.3hrs ,ET :1.0 mm ,436.5 W/M² ,0.0 uv
18 00.0hrs ,ET :0.7 mm ,276.5 W/M² ,0.5 uv
19 00.7hrs ,ET :0.8 mm ,793.5 W/M² ,1.5 uv
20 00.0hrs ,ET :0.6 mm ,494.7 W/M² ,0.8 uv
21 03.1hrs ,ET :0.8 mm ,955.5 W/M² ,1.0 uv
22 00.0hrs ,ET :0.3 mm ,245.4 W/M² ,0.5 uv
23 00.0hrs ,ET :0.2 mm ,107.7 W/M² ,0.0 uv
24 00.0hrs ,ET :0.4 mm ,353.1 W/M² ,0.0 uv
25 00.0hrs ,ET :0.7 mm ,329.8 W/M² ,0.0 uv
26 09.6hrs ,ET :1.7 mm ,718.8 W/M² ,0.5 uv
27 07.7hrs ,ET :1.7 mm ,841.0 W/M² ,0.8 uv
28 04.5hrs ,ET :1.3 mm ,705.2 W/M² ,0.8 uv
29 03.6hrs ,ET :1.4 mm ,914.7 W/M² ,1.5 uv
30 03.1hrs ,ET :1.8 mm ,887.5 W/M² ,1.0 uv
31 00.0hrs ,ET :0.5 mm ,312.3 W/M² ,0.6 uv
Sunshine hours month to date= 113.2 hrs
Sunshine hours year to date= 262.7 hrs
Tägl. Regenmenge
42.2 mm  am: 1
7.4 mm  am: 2
31.2 mm  am: 3
0.3 mm  am: 4
1.8 mm  am: 5
0.3 mm  am: 6
13.0 mm  am: 7
1.3 mm  am: 9
1.5 mm  am: 10
0.3 mm  am: 11
0.3 mm  am: 14
0.3 mm  am: 15
0.3 mm  am: 17
17.0 mm  am: 18
3.3 mm  am: 19
2.3 mm  am: 20
2.5 mm  am: 21
3.8 mm  am: 22
6.6 mm  am: 23
2.0 mm  am: 24
0.3 mm  am: 26
0.3 mm  am: 27
1.3 mm  am: 28
0.8 mm  am: 29
3.6 mm  am: 31